Songs for Saints
Songs for Saints
Oh, Sing a New Song to the LORD (Psalm 98)

Oh, Sing a New Song to the LORD (Psalm 98)

For wonders He has done!

This upbeat fuguing tune based on Psalm 98 is a barn-burner! It takes some work to learn the parts but it is well worth it. Every verse is on-point but for some reason verse 6 gets me every single time: “Let seas in all their vastness roar, The world, its living horde. Let rivers clap, let mountains sing Their joy before the LORD!”

All God’s creation shouts their joy unto their Maker!

Soli deo gloria!

The Lyrics

O sing a new song to the LORD For wonders He has done; His right hand and His holy arm The victory have won.

The great salvation wrought by Him Jehovah has made known. His justice in the nations' sight He openly has shown.

He mindful of His grace and truth To Isr'el's house has been. The great salvation of our God All ends of earth have seen.

O all the earth, sing to the LORD And make a joyful sound. Lift up your voice aloud to Him; Sing psalms! Let joy resound!

With harp make music to the LORD; With harp a psalm O sing! With horn and trumpet raise a shout Before the LORD, the King.

Let seas in all their vastness roar, The world, its living horde. Let rivers clap, let mountains sing Their joy before the LORD!

Because He comes, He surely comes, The judge of earth to be! With justice He will judge the world, All men with equity.

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Songs for Saints
Songs for Saints
Music by Joe Stout for the saints at Christ Covenant Church and those throughout all of Christ's Kingdom.